

Research Publications

Monographs in Chinese

(美)约翰·格雷厄姆,乔纳森·威纳. 环境健康领域的风险权衡[M]. 徐建华.薛澜,译. 北京:社会科学文献出版社,2018.

王灿,张九天. 《碳达峰 碳中和:迈向新发展路径》,中共中央党校出版社,2021.

Papers in Chinese

蔡博峰, 曹丽斌, 雷宇, 等. 中国碳中和目标下的二氧化碳排放路径[J]. 中国人口· 资源与环境, 2021, 31(1): 7.


杜娟, 朱旭峰. 地方领导性别与民众清廉感知: 基于中国城市的实证研究[J]. 公共管理与政策评论, 2021, 10(1): 127.

关婷,薛澜.世界各国是如何执行全球可持续发展目标(SDG)的?基于HLPF报告的分析[J].中国人口 • 资源与环境,2019,29(1):11-20.

关婷,薛澜,赵静. 技术赋能的治理创新:基于中国环境领域的实践案例[J].中国行政管理,2019(4):58-65.

桂天晗钟玮. 突发公共卫生事件中风险沟通的实践路径——基于世界卫生组织循证文献的扎根理论研究[J]. 公共管理学报, 2021.

郭芳, 王灿, 张诗卉. 中国城市碳达峰趋势的聚类分析[J]. 中国环境管理, 2021, 13(1): 40-48.


李晋, 蔡闻佳, 王灿, 等. 碳中和愿景下中国电力部门的生物质能源技术部署战略研究[J]. 中国环境管理, 2021, 13(1): 59-64.

李明煜, 张诗卉, 王灿, 等. 重点工业行业碳排放现状与减排定位分析[J]. 中国环境管理, 2021, 13(3): 28-39.

李霄, 朱俊明. 基于准实验设计的大气污染规制环境与经济效应评估[J]. 财经智库, 2021.

李雪妮,苏杨,周绍杰. 空气质量如何影响公众主观满意度?[J]小中国人口•资源与环境,2020,30(5):7-136.

罗荟霖郑馨竺刘源. 企业碳中和行动的驱动力与模式[J]. 环境与可持续发展, 2021, 2: 20-27.


邱懿, 薛澜. 我国高等职业教育考试招生制度现状, 问题与展望[J]. 中国考试, 2021, 5: 33-39.

王灿. 碳中和愿景下的低碳转型之路[J]. 中国环境管理, 2021, 13(1): 13-15.

王灿, 丛建辉, 王克, 等. 中国应对气候变化技术清单研究[J]. 中国人口· 资源与环境, 2021.

薛澜,关婷. 多元国家治理模式下的全球治理——理想与现实[J].政治学研究,2021(03):65-77+161-162.

薛澜,翁凌飞. 关于中国“一带一路”倡议推动联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》的思考[J].中国科学院院刊,2018,33(1):40-47.

薛澜,翁凌飞. 中国实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标(SDGS)的政策机遇和挑战[J]. 中国软科学,2017(1):1-12.

薛澜,张慧勇.第四次工业革命对环境治理体系建设的影响与挑战[J].中国人口 •资源与环境,2017,27(09): 1-5.



杨越,陈玲,薛澜. 寻找全球问题的中国方案:海洋塑料垃圾及微塑料污染治理体系的问题与对策[J].中国人口•资源与环境,2020,30 (10):45-52.

张新,周绍杰,姚金伟. 新型农村合作医疗能否创造另一个人口红利[J].财经问题研究,2017(8):74-83.

张友浪, 朱旭峰. 公民接触与政府服务评价: 基于 “一站式” 行政服务中心的证据[J]. 甘肃行政学院学报, 2020.

赵小凡, 齐晔, 李嘉慧. 氣候變化風險評估體系的國際經驗以及對我國的啟示[J]. 環境保護= Environmental Protection, 2021, 49(8): 39.

郑馨竺, 张雅欣, 李晋, 等. 后疫情时期的经济复苏与绿色发展: 对立还是共赢[J]. 中国人口· 资源与环境, 2021.

郑馨竺, 周嘉欣, 王灿. 绿色屋顶的城市降温与建筑节能效果研究[J]. 生态经济, 2021, 37(2): 222-229.

朱旭峰,李远博. 拉美和加勒比可持续发展进展及与中国合作展望[J].中国科学院院刊,2018,33(1):48-55.

朱旭峰,张超.央地间官员流动、信息优势与政策试点——以国家可持续发展议程创新示范区为例[J]. 公共行政评论,2020,(4):130-146.

朱旭峰,张超.“竞争申请制”:可持续发展政策试点与央地关系重构[J].中国人口 •资源与环境,2020,30(1):170-176.

周慎,朱旭峰,薛澜. 人工智能在突发公共卫生事件管理中的赋能效用研究一—以全球新冠肺炎疫情防控为例[J].中国行政管理,2020,(10):35-43.

Papers in English

An, Kangxin, Shihui Zhang, Hai Huang, Yuan Liu, Wenjia Cai, and Can Wang.. "Socioeconomic impacts of household participation in emission trading scheme: A Computable General Equilibrium-based case study." Applied Energy 288 (2021): 116647.

Arunrat, Noppol, Sukanya Sereenonchai, and Can Wang. "Carbon footprint and predicting the impact of climate change on carbon sequestration ecosystem services of organic rice farming and conventional rice farming: A case study in Phichit province, Thailand." Journal of Environmental Management 289 (2021): 112458.

Bin Zhao, Jing Zhao, Hao Zha, Ruolan Hu, Yalu Liu, Chengrui Liang, Hongrong Shi, Simiao Chen, Yue Guo, Da Zhang, Kristin Aunan, Shaojun Zhang, Xiliang Zhang, Lan Xue, and Shuxiao Wang: “Health Benefits and Costs of Clean Heating Renovation: An Integrated Assessment in a Major Chinese City”. Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 55, no.14, 2021, pp.10046-10055.

Cao, Jing, Xiliang Zhang, Hancheng Dai, Chaoyi Guo, Shantong Li, Jianwu He, Jifeng Li, Mun Ho, Wenjia Cai, Hai Huang, Yu Liu, Haoqi Qian, Can Wang, and Libo Wu. "The general equilibrium impacts of carbon tax policy in China: A multi-model comparison." Energy Economics 99 (2021): 105284.

Chen, Luyi, Yuan Zhou, Dillon Zhou and Lan Xue. “Clustering Enterprises into Eco-Industrial Parks: Can Interfirm Alliances Help Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises?” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 168,2017, pp. 1070-1079.

Chien, Crison, Xufeng Zhu, & Tingjia Chen. “Self-Learning through Teaching: Singapore's Land Development Policy Transfer Experience in China.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy (SSCI), vol. 33, no.6, 2015, pp. 1639 - 1656.

Dai. Yixin and Lan Xue. “China's Policy Initiatives for the Development of Wind Energy Technology.” Climate Policy, vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 30-57.

Fang, Yiping, Zhilin Liu and Yulin Chen. “Housing Inequality in Urban China: Theoretical Debates, Empirical Evidences, and Future Directions”. Journal of Planning Literature. vol.35, no.1, 2020, pp. 41-53.

Funk, Patrick, Lan Xue, Zheng Liang, Kelly S. Gallagher, Peter F. Cowhey and Erica R. H. Fuchs. “Why China Needs Data Sharing to Address Its Air-Quality Challenge.” National Science Review, vol. 4, no. 6, 2017, pp. 794-797.

Gallagher, S.K, Fang Zhang, Robbie Orvis, Jeffrey Rissman and Qiang Liu. “Assessing the Policy Gaps for Achieving China's Climate Targets in the Paris Agreement”. Nature Communications, vol. 10, no.1256, 2019, pp.1-10.

Gao, Shuai, and Can Wang. "How to design emission trading scheme to promote corporate low-carbon technological innovation: Evidence from China." Journal of Cleaner Production 298 (2021): 126712.

Gao, Yuning, Meichen Zhang, and Jinghai Zheng. "Accounting and determinants analysis of China's provincial total factor productivity considering carbon emissions." China Economic Review 65 (2021): 101576.

Go, Yuning, Yunfeng Zheng and Angang Hu. “Input-Output-Based Genuine Value Added and Genuine Productivity in China's Industrial Sectors (1995-2010).” Singapore Economic Review, vol. 63, 2018, pp. 213-228.

Graham, Carol, Shaojie Zhou and Junyi Zhang. “Happiness and Health in China: The Paradox of Progress.” World Development, vol. 96, 2017, pp. 231-244.

Guan, Ting, Ke Meng, Wei Liu and Lan Xue. “Public Attitudes toward Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence from Five Chinese Cities." Sustainability, vol. 11, no. 20, 2019.

Gui, Tianhan. "Coping With Parental Pressure to Get Married: Perspectives From Chinese “Leftover Women”." Journal of Family Issues (2022): 0192513X211071053.

Gui, Tianhan, “’Leftover Women’ or Single by Choice: Gender Role Negotiation of Single Professional Women in Contemporary China". SAGE Journals, vol.41, no.11, 2020, pp.1956-1978.

Huo, Jingwen, Jing Meng, Zengkai Zhang, Yuning Gao, Heran Zheng, D’Maris Coffman, Jinjun Xue, Yuan Li, and Dabo Guan. "Drivers of fluctuating embodied carbon emissions in international services trade." One Earth 4.9 (2021): 1322-1332.

Ji, Qin, Jianping Yang, Can Wang, Hongju Chen, Qingshan He, Zhenqi Sun, Quntao Duan, and Yao Li. "The Risk of the Population in a Changing Climate over the Tibetan Plateau, China: Integrating Hazard, Population Exposure and Vulnerability." Sustainability 13.7 (2021): 3633.

Kickbusch, Ilona, Dario Piselli, Anurag Agrawal, Ran Balicer, Olivia Banner, Michael Adelhardt, Emanuele Capobianco, Christopher Fabian, Amandeep Singh Gill, Deborah Lupton, Rohinton P Medhora, Njide Ndili, Andrzej Ryś, Nanjira Sambuli, Dykki Settle, Soumya Swaminathan, Jeanette Vega Morales, Miranda Wolpert, Andrew W Wyckoff, and Lan Xue. "The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on governing health futures 2030: growing up in a digital world." The Lancet 398.10312 (2021): 1727-1776.

Li, Feng, Yang Su, Japing Xie, Weijun Zhu and Yahua Wang. “The Impact of High-Speed Rail Opening on City Economics along the Silk Road Economic Belt”. Sustainability, vol. 12, no.8, 2020, 3176.

Li, Haoran, Xueqin Cui, Jingxuan Hui, Yuwei Weng, Yaoyu Nie, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang, and Gang he. "Catchment-level water stress risk of coal power transition in China under 2/1.5 targets." Applied Energy 294 (2021): 116986.

Li, Jin, Rui Wang, Haoran Li, Yaoyu Nie, Xinke Song, Mingyu Li, Mai Shi, Xinzhu Zheng, Wenjia Cai, and Can Wang. "Unit-level cost-benefit analysis for coal power plants retrofitted with biomass co-firing at a national level by combined GIS and life cycle assessment." Applied Energy 285 (2021): 116494.

Li, Larry, Adela McMurray, Xiaomeng Li, Yuning Gao, and Jinjun Xue. "The diminishing marginal effect of R&D input and carbon emission mitigation." Journal of Cleaner Production 282 (2021): 124423.

Li, Meng, Yuning Gao, and Meng Bo. "Managing the mitigation: Analysis of the effectiveness of target-based policies on China's provincial carbon emission and transfer." Energy Policy 151 (2021): 112189.

Li, Xin, Yuan Zhou, Lan Xue and Lucheng Huang. “Integrating Bibliometrics and Roadmapping Methods: A Case of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Technology-Based Industry in China.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 97, 2015, pp. 205-222.

Li, Yuanbo and Xufeng Zhu. “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and China's Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Sustainability, vol. 11, 2019, pp. 1-22.

Liu, Tian-Le, Qijiao Song, Jiaqi Lu, and Ye Qi. "An integrated approach to evaluating the coupling coordination degree between low-carbon development and air quality in Chinese cities." Advances in Climate Change Research 12.5 (2021): 710-722.

Liu, Zhilin, Jing Guo, Wei Zhong, and Tianhan Gui. "Multi-level governance, policy coordination and subnational responses to COVID-19: Comparing China and the US." Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 23.2 (2021): 204-218.

Liu, Zhilin, Jie Wang, and Craig W. Thomas. "What motivates local sustainability policy action in China? The case of low-carbon city pilot program." Urban Affairs Review 58.3 (2022): 767-798.

Lu, Yilei, Mengyuan Liu, Siyu Zeng, and Can Wang. "Screening and mitigating major threats of regional development to water ecosystems using ecosystem services as endpoints." Journal of Environmental Management 293 (2021): 112787.

Oo, Tin Ko, Noppol Arunrat, Praeploy Kongsurakan, Sukanya Sereenonchai, and Can Wang. "Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) level changes during the control of COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand." Aerosol and Air Quality Research 21.6 (2021): 200440.

Pan, Xia, Wenyin Cheng, Yuning Gao, Tomas Balezentis, and Zhiyang Shen. "Is environmental regulation effective in promoting the quantity and quality of green innovation?." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28.5 (2021): 6232-6241.

Pan, Xia, Yuning Gao, Dong Guo and Wenyin Cheng. “Does Higher Education Promote Firm Innovation in China?" Sustainability, vol. 12, no.18, 2020, 7326.

Qian, Haifeng, Qi Guo, Shaojie Zhou, and Yang Su. "The happiness of Chinese cities." Journal of Urban Affairs (2021): 1-18.

Weng, Yuwei, Wenjia Cai, and Can Wang. "Evaluating the use of BECCS and afforestation under China’s carbon-neutral target for 2060." Applied Energy 299 (2021): 117263.

Wu, Pengcheng, Bofeng Cai, Libin Cao, Lingyun Pang, Fang Guo, Can Wang, Chen Lv, Hui Liu, Jizhang Huang, Ying Huang, and Ji Gao. "Co-benefits of peaking carbon dioxide emissions on air quality and health, a case of Guangzhou, China." Journal of Environmental Management 282 (2021): 111796.

Xiao, Shiyang, and Xufeng Zhu. "Bureaucratic control and strategic compliance: how do subnational governments implement central guidelines in China?." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 32.2 (2022): 342-359.

Xue, Lan, Lingfei Weng and Hanzhi Yu. “Addressing Policy- Challenges in Implementing Sustainable Development Goals through an Adaptive Governance Approach: A View from Transitional China.” Sustainable Development, vol. 26, 2018, pp. 150-158.

Xue, Lan, Xufeng Zhu and Wanqu Han. “Embracing Scientific Decision Making: The Rise of Think-Tank Policies in China.” Pacific Affairs, vol. 91, 2018, pp. 49-71.

Yin, Chengzhi and Hao Sun. “Impact of Municipal Political Decision Makers' Turnover on the Degree of Building and Land Use in China: An Empirical Study Based on the Profi Les of the Secretaries of Municipal Party Committees.” Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 15, 2019. pp. 132-148.

Yin, Chengzhi and Xingyu Qian. The spatial production of simulacrascape in urban China: economic function, local identity and cultural authenticity [J], CITIES-The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning. Vol. 104. September 2020

Zha, Hao, Youlang Zhang, Jing Zhao, and Xufeng Zhu. "Citizen Assessments of Government Actions in the COVID-19 Outbreak in China." Chinese Public Administration Review 11.2 (2020): 110-121.

Zhang, Fang, and Keman Huang. “The Role of Government in Industrial Energy Conservation in China: Lessons from the Iron and Steel Industry”. Energy for Sustainable Development, vol.39, 2017, pp.101-114.

Zhang, Fang, Kelly Sims Gallagher, Zdenka Myslikova, Easwaran Narassimhan, Rishikesh Ram Bhandary, and Ping Huang. "From fossil to low carbon: The evolution of global public energy innovation." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 12.6 (2021): e734.

Zhang, Hailing, Changxin Liu, and Can Wang. "Extreme climate events and economic impacts in China: A CGE analysis with a new damage function in IAM." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 169 (2021): 120765.

Zhang, Youlang, and Xufeng Zhu. "Social ties and citizen-initiated contacts: The case of china’s local one-stop governments." Journal of Chinese Governance 7.3 (2022): 418-437.

Zhao, Hui, Xufeng Zhu and Ye Qi. “Fostering Local Entrepreneurship through Regional Environmental Pilot Schemes: The Low-Carbon Development Path of China.” China: An International Journal (SSCI), vol. 14, no. 3, 2016, pp. 107-130.

Zheng, Xinzhu, Xunzhang Pan, Yaxin Zhang, Kaidi Guo, Mukul Sanwal, Can Wang, Ranran Wang, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Maarten S. Krol, Zhen Sun, Junming Zhu, Junjie Zhang, Amanda Lounsbury, Dabo Guan, and Edgar G. Hertwich. "Consideration of culture is vital if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals." One Earth 4.2 (2021): 307-319.

Zheng, Xinzhu, Yicheng Zou, Amanda W. Lounsbury, Can Wang, and Ranran Wang. "Green roofs for stormwater runoff retention: A global quantitative synthesis of the performance." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 170 (2021): 105577.

Zheng, Xinzhu, Xunzhang Pan, Lei Jin, Kaidi Guo, Huilin Luo, Can Wang, and Edgar Hertwich. "Individualism and nationally determined contributions to climate change." Science of The Total Environment 777 (2021): 146076.

Zhou, Yuan, Meijuan Pan, Dillon K. Zhou and Lan Xue. “Stakeholder Risk and Trust Perceptions in the Diffusion of Green Manufacturing Technologies: Evidence from China.” The Journal of Environment & Development, vol. 27, no 1, 2018, pp. 46-73.

Zhou, Shaojie and Xiaohua Yu. “Regional Heterogeneity of Life Satisfaction in Urban China: Evidence from Hierarchical Ordered Logit Analysis.” Social Indicators Research, vol. 132, no. 1, 2017. pp. 25-45.

Zhou, Shaojie, Xiaohua Yu and Dieter Koemle. “Policy Choices for Air Pollution Abatement in Beijing: Status Quo or Change.” The Singapore Economic Review, 2017, pp. 1-22.

Zhu, Junming and Jiali Wang. “The Effects of Fuel Content Regulation at Ports on Regional Pollution and Shipping Industry”. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol.106, 2021, 102424

Zhu, Junming, Saiquan Hu, Jiali Wang, et al. “Future Orientation Promotes Climate Concern and Mitigation”. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 262, 2020, 121212.

Zhu, Xufeng and Chao Zhang. “Reducing Information Asymmetry in the Power Industry: Mandatory and Voluntary Information Disclosure Regulations of Sulfur Dioxide Emission.” Energy Policy (SSCU/SCI), vol. 45, no. 6, 2012, pp. 704-713.

Zhu, Xufeng and Hui Zhao. “Experimentalist Governance with Interactive Central-Local Relations: Making New Pension Policies in China.” Policy Studies Journal, vol. 49, no. 1, 2018, pp. 13-36.

Zhu, Xufeng and Hui Zhao. “Recognition of Innovation and Diffusion of Welfare Policy: Alleviating Urban Poverty in Chinese Cities during Fiscal Recentralization.” Governance, vol. 31, no. 4, 2018, pp. 721-739.

Zhu, Xufeng and Tianguang Meng. “Geographical Leadership Mobility and Policy Isomorphism: Narrowing the Regional Inequality of Social Spending in China.” Policy Studies Journal, vol. 48, no. 3, 2018, pp. 806-832.

Zhu, Xufeng and Youlang Zhang. “Diffusion of Marketization Innovation with Administrative Centralization in a Multilevel System: Evidence from China.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, vol. 29, no. 1, 2018, pp. 133-150.

Zhu, Xufeng. “Rebuilding Government Credibility in Chinese Environmental Resident Activism.” Environmental Science and Technology (SCI), vol. 46, no. 3, 2012, pp. 1303-1304.