

TUSDG holds “Meet SDGs” High-End Forum No. 2

On the afternoon of March 21, 2018, "Meet SDGs" High-End Forum No.2 was successfully held in the Auditorium Hall of the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM), Tsinghua University. The Forum was hosted by SPPM and co-organized by the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University (TUSDG) and HZ Books.

Joseph E. Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Professor of Columbia University and Professor Emeritus of Tsinghua University, attended the forum with his latest work, The Great Divide, and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Inequality, Euro Crisis, and Globalization in the Era of Trump. ". Professor Xue Lan, Dean of SPPM and Director of TUSDG, moderated the event. Professor Cui Zhiyuan of SPPM joined the discussion and gave his commentary. Ji Mo, assistant to Prof. Stiglitz and Chief Economist of Amundi Asset Management Asia-Pacific, Zhang Jingzhu, Managing Director of HZ Books of China Machine Press, Barry J. Naughton, Professor of University of California, San Diego, Meng Bo, Associate Dean of the Office of International Affairs, Tsinghua University, Zhu Xufeng, Associate Dean of SPPM and Executive Director of TUSDG, Zhou Shaojie, Associate Professor of SPPM, Chen Ling, Associate Professor of SPPM, Chen Tianhao, Assistant Professor of SPPM attended the forum along with 300 students and faculty members.

Prof. Stiglitz during his speech

In his keynote speech, Prof. Stiglitz gave insights on three themes: inequality, the euro crisis and globalization in the Trump era. On the Sustainable Development Agenda, Professor Stiglitz expressed his disapproval of the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and his appreciation of China's efforts to join the rest of the world in addressing environmental and climate challenges and in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Xue Lan, Joseph E. Stiglitz, and Cui Zhiyuan (from left to right)

In the Q&A session, Prof. Cui Zhiyuan discussed about the recent trade policy issues between China and the US and Prof. Stiglitz's book Euro Crisis. Prof. Stiglitz also discussed about the way to redefine the rules of globalization, China’s significant role in globalization, as well as promoting electric vehicles, green mobility, and creating a global transportation system in accelerating the process of achieving the Paris Agreement, etc.