

AAPA-CSIE Joint Workshop “An Integrated Approach for SDGs in Asia” Successfully Held

On July 23, 2022, the AAPA- CSIE Joint Workshop, jointly hosted by the Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) and the Chinese Society for Industrial Ecology (CSIE) online, organized by the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University (TUSDG). Wu Jiannan, President of AAPA and Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhu Xufeng, Executive Dean of the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM), Tsinghua University and Executive Director of the TUSDG, and Zhu Junming, President of the CSIE and Vice Director of the TUSDG, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. 

The theme of the workshop is “An Integrated Approach for SDGs in Asia”. Experts and scholars from 12 Asian universities and institutions from China, the Philippines, India, Thailand focus on policy analysis of sustainable transformation, indicators and assessment of the SDGs, and social transformation during and after the pandemic to carry out in-depth exchanges and discussions.

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