

7 English SDG MOOC Courses Open for Free

At a time when the whole country is working hard to fight against the pandemic, Tsinghua University has taken the lead to fulfill its social responsibility by providing a large number of catechism resources to the society free of charge. Among them, seven online English courses in the field of sustainable development from SDG Academy, which is led by the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University (Tsinghua SDG Institute) and introduced to the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), are also open to the public free of charge.

Note: The language of instruction for this series of courses is English, with no Chinese subtitles.

Course Information

1. Transforming Our world: Achieving the SDGs

Course Description:

How can we achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Sustainable development is not just an issue for future generations, now and in the future, it is a global responsibility shared by us all as human beings, from developed to developing countries, from policy makers to individuals.

Link: https://next.xuetangx.com/course/sdg07091001270/1076813

2. The Age of Sustainable Development

Course Description:

Sustainable development is the most pressing challenge facing humanity. The fundamental question is: How can the world economy continue to grow in a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable manner? This course provides a broad overview of the interactions between the economy, the environment, and people, from the constraints of finite resources, to the drive for climate change, to equality for all.

Link: https://next.xuetangx.com/course/sdg07081001265/1075612

3. Cities and Challenge of Sustainable Development

Course Description:

According to the United Nations, urbanization and population growth could lead to an additional 2.5 billion people in cities by 2050, which will affect urban transport as well as architecture and planning. How can we make cities sustainable to support such growth? This course will take you through the challenges local governments face in adapting to new technologies, energy systems, transportation modes, and more, laying the groundwork for building sustainable cities for the 21st century.

Link: https://next.xuetangx.com/course/sdg07091001269/1076812

4. Sustainable Cities

Course Description:

This course seeks solutions to achieve sustainable urban development by exploring theories and practices from around the globe that increase productivity, reduce inequality, and enhance the capacity and infrastructure of urban services while protecting the environment. Through this course, you will learn how governments, the private sector and other actors can improve urban development in response to Sustainable Development Goal 11 - to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable by 2030.

Link: https://next.xuetangx.com/course/sdg03031001358/1516690

5. The Best Start in life: Early Childhood Development for Sustainable Development

Course Description:

Early childhood influences not only their lives but also the development of society as a whole. How can we ensure that child development around the world is supported from the time they are born? This course will discuss how neuroscience, sociology, anthropology, and other research influence our understanding of early childhood development.

Link: https://next.xuetangx.com/course/sdg00001001268/1076807

6. Planetary Boundaries

Course Description:

Can our planet continue to support current human activities? This course will discuss how unsustainable patterns of production, consumption, and population growth are challenging the planet's resilience, and how our societies can evolve in a just and safe manner within the context of the planet.

Link: https://next.xuetangx.com/course/sdg07091001266/1076809

7. Climate Change and Negotiations

Course Description:

Avoid the most devastating and irreversible climate change impacts on people and the planet by understanding the science behind global warming. In this course you will learn how to mitigate the effects of rising temperatures due to global greenhouse gas emissions and how to apply these solutions in different national contexts.

Link: https://next.xuetangx.com/course/sdg07091001267/1099332